Posts Tagged ‘surfing’

photo by Kjunstorm

The thing I love most about CrossFit is that it gets you thinking outside the box.

For example, don’t limit yourself to working out in the gym.  If you understand the principles of CrossFit, you can workout anywhere, with anything.

Coach once said that the main site WODs were just an example of CrossFit and this is a message I’ve taken to heart at CrossFIt Westcountry.

Yesterday was the first day off from work I’ve taken in a little while and I figured it was best to get away from anything that might tempt me into any form of work – so I headed for the beach for a surf.

The morning was good – nice swell and an offshore breeze to keep the waves clean.   The paddle outback was easy enough and the waves were perfect for getting back into the flow and chilling out in the water.

The afternoon however was a mess – just continuous white water and closed out waves.

I could have called it a day then, but as I figured my paddling endurance could use some work, decided an impromptu WOD was in order.

I spent the next 20minutes doing interval work in the water.

I let the waves dictate my rest periods by letting one wave pass by Eskimo Rolling and then paddling like fury until the next wave where I’d Roll again, let it pass and then rest to wait for the next wave where I’d Roll and paddle again.

Doing a workout like this is actually pretty knackering especially when each wave is pulling you back and you’re doing the best you can just to hold position in the water.

This was actually a really cool workout and left me feeling that the afternoon wasn’t a waste of time being in the water.

Be creative in your workouts – its worth it.